Organic Kale Chana (Black Chickpeas) 500gm


Organic Kale Chana (Black Chickpeas) 500gm


Black chickpeas or kale chane is believed to be a good source of iron and other nutrients which can benefit our health in so many different ways.

Availability:Out of stock

SKU: JS35 Category: Tags: , , ,

Benefits Of Consuming Soaked Black Chana

1. Good Source Of Protein And Iron

Vegetarians are usually worried about their protein intake. Consuming soaked black chana is a great way of fueling your body with protein. Also, you must add black chana to your diet if you are suffering from anemia. It is rich in iron and helps in improving the level of hemoglobin in the body. 

2. Improves Digestion

Soaked black chana is rich in fibre which helps in improving the digestive system. It flushes out all the harmful toxins from your body and keeps your digestive tract healthy. Eating black chickpeas regularly keep digestive issues like constipation and indigestion at bay. 

3. Keeps Heart Healthy 

Soaked black chickpeas have a lot of antioxidants and phytonutrients which keep your blood vessels healthy. They also have essential minerals that prevent the formation of blood clots. 

4. Helps In Weight Loss

Packed with antioxidants, black chickpeas have fibre that keeps you full for longer and prevents you from overeating or bingeing on unhealthy snacks. 

5. Maintains Cholesterol Level

Black chickpea has soluble fibre which helps in binding the bile acids and reduces the cholesterol level of the body. The dietary fibre present in black chana is great for your overall health. 

6. Great For Hair

Black chickpea is a great source of essential vitamins and minerals which are great for your hair health. Also, it is rich in protein which keeps your hair follicles strong and prevents hair fall. Consuming soaked black chana regularly helps in preventing premature greying of hair.

7. Great Source Of Energy

Consuming a handful of soaked black chickpeas in the morning keeps you full of energy all day. Regular consumption makes you strong and prevents body weakness. 

8. Maintains Blood Sugar

Consuming soaked black chickpeas regular helps in maintaining the blood sugar level of your body. The complex carbs present in black chana makes the digestion slow and regulate the absorption of sugar in your blood. The carbs present in black chickpea reduce the blood sugar level and also reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes. 

9. Reduces Risk Of Cancer

The phytonutrients and antioxidants present in black chickpeas help in reducing the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer. 

10. Beneficial For Pregnant And Lactating Women

Black chana is a good source of iron and is essential for pregnant and lactating women. 

11. Makes Your Skin Glow

Your face is the reflection of what you eat. Consumption of soaked black chickpea helps in keeping any skin problems at bay. It makes your skin glow naturally.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 10 cm


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